

2024 National Specialty Futurity Eligibility

July 11-14 – Grey Summit, MO

Puppies eligible to enter the 2024 National Specialty Futurity must be whelped between 27th November 2022 and January 13th 2024

You MUST nominate your litter before they are whelped, click on the litter nomination form

Litter Nomination Form

To nominate your puppy(s) after they are whelped but before 4 months of age click on the puppy nomination form

Puppy Nomination Form

The purpose of the SBTCA Futurity is to encourage the breeding of the best possible Staffordshire Bull Terriers and reward diligent breeders for their efforts, recognize the owners for selecting the best quality puppies from responsible breeders, and reward the owners and breeders for raising and developing the inherited qualities of the puppy. To Exhibit what each breeder can contribute to our lovely breed, and give exhibitors another avenue to be engaged in. A great way to showcase our breeding efforts throughout the dogs lifetime, now with Maturity and Veterans being included!

1. Nominate litter after breeding but before the puppies are born ($25.00)
2. Breeder of litter must be an SBTCA member
3. Nominate individual puppies by 4 months of age ($25.00)
4. Nominated puppies, Maturity, and Veterans compete in the Futurity at Nationals for the year(s) they are eligible as an additional class. Puppies can only show in the puppy class one time before moving to Maturity and ultimately the Veteran class at 7 years of age
5. Both breeders and owners must be members of the SBTCA for eligibility to compete in the Futurity.
A. Correct and timely nominations of both the litter and the individual puppy are required.
B. Prizes can only be won through competition at the SBTCA National Futurity held in conjunction with the SBTCA National Specialty.
C. Nomination forms are on this website
D. The Futurity Director and committee members are eligible to participate in Futurity Competition
     A. Nomination must be made by breeder or co-breeder who must be an SBTCA member.
     B. Nomination must be made after breeding, but before puppies are whelped. The postmark on the entry form is the official date of
     C. The fee to nominate the litter is $25.00. There will be no refunds. Late nominations will be accepted up to 30 days after whelping
     date with an additional fee of $50.00.
     D. The nomination of a litter makes all puppies in the litter eligible for individual nomination
     A. Nomination must be made by the legal owner or co-owner of the puppy as of the date of nomination.
     B. Nomination must be made on or before four (4) months of age. PayPal Transaction date or the postmark on the envelope is the
     official date of nomination.
     C. The fee is $25.00 for each puppy nominated. There will be no refunds. Late nominations will be accepted up to 30 days for an
     additional fee of $25.00.
     D. An entire litter may be individually nominated by the breeder before puppies are sold by paying the fee for each puppy and
     supplying whelping date, name, sex, and color for each puppy. If neither litter registration number of individual registration number
     is available at the time of nomination, this must be supplied as soon as available and in no case later than nine weeks before the
     Futurity judging.
     E. Any changes in the identifying information which will be included in the Catalog must be received by the Futurity Director six (6)
     weeks prior to Futurity Judging. Failure to provide such information will result in disqualification.

     A. The puppy must be entered in one of the regular classes, either in conformation or obedience at the SBTCA National Specialty
     Show. All entries must be paid in full.
     B. Futurity entry must be indicated as an additional class.
     C. Futurity entry must include age division (e.g., Futurity 6-9, Maturity etc.
     D. Futurity Classes range in age from six months and up. The classes will be 6-9. 9-12, 12-15, 15-18 mos. over, 18 months (maturity)
     and Veteran.
     E. Puppies are eligible only for the first Futurity Show that is held in conjunction with the SBTCA Specialty Show held on or after the
     date the puppy reaches six (6) months of age
     F. Professional handlers may only show puppies bred and owned by them.

A. There are fourpuppy age divisions; 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, and 15- up. Maturity is 18 months to 2 years, and over years, Veterans is broken up the same as AKC rules
B. Each age group is then divided by sex
C. First through Fourth placements are made in the judging of each class.

A. Judging sequence for each age division will be Dogs Puppies, then Maturity and then Bitch puppies, then Maturity. Veterans will be last and their own competition class.
B. Best Dog In Futurity and Best Bitch In Futurity are selected from the winners of the classes. After judging of dogs and bitches is complete the Best Dog and Best Bitch in Futurity will enter the ring together for presentation as your best dog and best bitch puppy in futurity. The same will take place for Maturity and Veteran
C. If entry numbers are low, the judging sequence will be done by sex rather then age.

A. Nomination of Futurity Judges will be limited to the participants in the Futurity.
B. Each breeder who has submitted a Bitch Nomination ( co-bred litters, one vote per bitch nomination by primary owner as recorded by AKC) will be given the opportunity to nominate their choice of futurity judge.
The judge can be licensed, provisional or a well established breeder in good standing with the SBTCA.

A. A Ribbon will be provided for each placement and a Rosette for Best Dog and Best Bitch in Futurity, Maturity, and Veterans.
B. Breed Figure on a walnut base will be awarded to the breeder of Best Dog and Best Bitch in Futurity.$100.00 in cash will be awarded to the owner of the Best Dog in Futurity and Best Bitch in Futurity.
C. Other trophies and rosettes may be awarded at the discretion of the National Specialty Futurity Committee.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America Inc.
National Futurity Director